Ultra Luciferase Detection  Kit

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Ultra Luciferase Detection  Kit
Cat No.RQPH0001
DescripitionUltra  luciferase  detection  kit  provides  an  assay  reagent  that  generates  ultra-bright  signal  in the presence of firefly luciferase. The assay reagent is prepared by mixing substrate and cell lysis buffer

and uses directly on cells expressing firefly luciferase. This kit is designed to be used for the ultra-sensitive assay.

CBPH0001 原理图.png

Product composition
Catalog IDRQPH0001-1RQPH0001-2RQPH0001-3RQPH0001-4
Specification100 points1000 points5000 points10000 points

Component A:

Cell lysis buffer 
1 bottle
10 mL/bottle
2 bottles
50 mL/bottle
Component B: Substrate 50X1 vial
2 vials
1 mL/vial
Data Display

1.Reqbio-UItra VS Bright-glo


Figure 2. TNF α Dose Response Curve.



Figure 3. NF-KB Hek293 cells.

2.freeze-thaw test


Figure 4. TNF α Dose Response Curve.

3.Quantification and Lysis Capacity Testing

CBPH0001 定量和裂解能力测试-新.jpg

Figure 5. Ultra vs Bright-glo.


1. Preparation of Assay Reagents

Dissolve the substrate and cell lysate at 4°C or room temperature before use. It is recommended to centrifuge before opening the cap to concentrate the liquid to the bottom of the bottle. Add component B to component A according to the volume ratio of 1:50, mix thoroughly to prepare the required amount of detection reagent.

2. Detection of Firefly Luciferase

• Equilibrate the detection reagent and test cell sample to room temperature.

• Add an equal volume of detection reagent to the test cell sample.

96-well plate detection system, add 100 μL detection reagent to 100 μL culture medium.

Shake at 1200 rpm for 5 minutes before measurement, full vibration will make the effect better.

3. Notes

·Reagents in kits with different batch numbers cannot be mixed.

Product Information 
Intended UseResearch Use Only
Unit Size100 points/1000 points/5000 points/10000 points
Expiry12 months from the date of manufacture


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