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I. Background
The nuclear factor of activator T cells (NFAT) family of transcription factors plays an important role in immune response. T cell activation through the T cell synapse results in calcium influx. Increased intracellular calcium levels activate the calcium-sensitive phosphatase, calcineurin, which rapidly dephosphorylates the serine-rich region (SRR) and SP-repeats in the amino termini of NFAT proteins.
II. Description
This results in a conformational change that exposes a nuclear localization signal promoting NFAT nuclear import. In the nucleus, NFAT proteins cooperate with other proteins to bind to DNA.
III. Introduction
Host Cell:HEK293
Expressed gene:NFAT-Luciferase
Stability:32 passages
Synonym(s):Nuclear factor of activated T cells; T cell
Freeze Medium:90% FBS+10% DMSO
Culture Medium:DMEM+10% FBS+300 ug/ml hygromycin
Mycoplasma Testing:Negative
Storage:Liquid nitrogen
IV. Description of Host Cell Line
Organism:Homo sapiens, human
Tissue:Embryonic kidney
Disease: Normal
Morphology: Epitheloid
Growth Properties: Adherent
Ⅴ. Representative Data

Figure 1. NFAT Luciferase Reporter - HEK293 Recombinant Cell Line (C8).

CBP74028 图2.png

Figure 2. NFAT Luciferase Reporter -HEK293 Recombinant Cell Line (C4).


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