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Description:pHSE-Luc is designed for monitoring the induction of Heat shock response element.Heat shock factors (HSF) are transcriptional activators of heat shock genes.These activators bind specifically to Heat Shock sequence Elements (HSE) throughout the genome whose consensus-sequence is a tandem array of three oppositely oriented "AGAAN" motifs or a degenerate version thereof. Under non-stressed conditions, Drosophila HSF is a nuclear-localized unbound monomer, whereas heat shock activation results in trimerization and binding to the HSE. The Heat Shock sequence Element is highly conserved from yeast to humans.
Plasmid profile:Plasmid profile.jpg
Unit Size:1-4μg
Pathway (Activitor):Heat shock
Pathway profile:Pathway profile.jpg
Full Name:Heat shock factor 1
Cis response element:HSE (Heat shock response element)
Shelf Life:One year from date of receipt under proper storage conditions.
Mode of transportation:Ice bag transport
Matters needing attention:For your health, please wear lab clothes and disposable gloves.


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