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Description:pNFkB-Luc is designed for monitoring the activation of the nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells (NFkB) signal transduction pathway. NFKB is a transcription regulator that is activated by various intra- and extra-cellular stimuli such as cytokines, oxidant-free radicals, ultraviolet irradiation, and bacterial or viral products. Activated NFKB translocates into the nucleus and stimulates the expression of genes involved in a wide variety of biological functions.
Plasmid profile:Plasmid profile.jpg
Unit Size:1-4μg
Pathway (Activitor):NFkB
Pathway profile:Pathway profile.jpg  
Full Name:Nuclear factor kappa
Cis response element:N/A
Shelf Life:One year from date of receipt under proper storage conditions.
Mode of transportation:Ice bag transport
Matters needing attention:For your health, please wear lab clothes and disposable gloves.


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