Luciferase Assay Kit

Author:Reqbio source:reqbio date:2023-08-10

The Luciferase reporter gene system is a reporter system that uses luciferin as a substrate to detect the activity of firefly luciferase (fireflyluciferase). The bioluminescence released during luciferin oxidation can then be measured by a fluorometer, also known as a luminometer or a liquid scintillation meter. Luciferin and luciferase, a bioluminescent system, can detect gene expression extremely sensitively and efficiently.

Reporter gene experiments are often used to study the regulatory elements of the target gene (promoter, enhancer, etc.), the DNA binding domain of the regulatory element and the cis-acting element achieve covalent binding, thereby inhibiting or enhancing the expression of the gene. The core of the entire reporter gene is to fuse undetermined regulatory elements with the reporter gene to detect the expression of the reporter gene.

Combined with our drug target cell model, we have launched a luciferase detection kit, which can detect luciferase activity sensitively, accurately and efficiently, and facilitate high-throughput drug screening, drug activity detection, QC release, signaling pathway research, and initiation Subfunction determination, etc.