HRAS genetic testing standard

Author:Reqbio source:Reqbio date:2022-08-04


HRAS (Harvey Rat Sarcoma Virus Oncogene Homolog) encodes the GTP-ase HRas protein, one of three human RAS proteins. RAS proteins are small GTPases that are central mediators downstream of growth factor receptor signaling and are therefore essential for cell proliferation, survival, and differentiation.

The HRAS gene belongs to the Ras oncogene family, and its members are related to the transforming genes of mammalian sarcoma retroviruses. The products encoded by these genes function in signal transduction pathways. H-Ras proteins transmit signals from outside the cell into the nucleus that instruct cells to grow and divide (proliferation), mature, and perform specialized functions (differentiation). H-Ras is like a switch, it's a GTPase - which converts GTP to GDP. Two molecules, GTP and GDP, can affect H-Ras activity: when H-Ras transmits a signal, it needs to bind to the GTP molecule to enter an activated state; when GTP is converted to GDP, the H-Ras protein enters the inactive state state, stop transmitting the signal.




Mutations in this gene cause Costello syndrome, a disorder characterized by increased growth in the prenatal period, insufficient growth in the postnatal period, predisposition to tumor formation, cognitive impairment, skin and musculoskeletal abnormalities, distinctive facial appearance, and cardiovascular abnormalities. Defects in this gene have been linked to a variety of cancers, including bladder cancer, follicular thyroid cancer and oral squamous cell carcinoma. HRAS is altered in 0.94% of cancers, with the highest rates of alterations in bladder urothelial carcinoma, invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast, lung adenocarcinoma, prostate adenocarcinoma, and colon adenocarcinoma.

The most common alterations in HRAS were HRAS mutation (0.77%), HRAS missense (0.75%), HRAS exon 2 mutation (0.30%), HRAS codon 61 missense (0.26%), and HRAS Q61R (0.14%).

For the detection of mutation types, we can provide diagnostic standards to ensure the detection limit, sensitivity and stability of the diagnostic method.


Product List






HRAS p.Q61R Reference Standard RQP10285



HRAS p.Q61L Reference Standard RQP10286



HRAS p.Q61H Reference Standard RQP10287



HRAS p.G12D Reference Standard RQP10288



HRAS p.G12V Reference Standard RQP10289
