Divine virus standard

Author:Reqbio source:Reqbio date:2021-03-05

New crown virus (SARS-COV-2) has ravaged for more than 1 year, in February 2020, we launched new crown fake virus standards, helping the molecular diagnosis of fake viruses, and we have completed 7 R & D research and development of fake virus standards of coronaviruses, as follows:



1. Due to the early product, the new crown name is not changed, 2019-NCOV is SARS-COV-2;

2. All DDPCR scales are used, and the DDPCR sequence is open to the details page;

3. DNA residue is inevitable in packaging fake viruses, need to be removed by purification, concentration, etc.

4. Due viruses are viral particles, need to be used at least after being extracted at the P2 level laboratory.

The fake virus is stored at -80 ° C, which is valid for 12 months, so we also test the stability of fake viruses, and some data is shown below:


Fig 1. Stability test for 2019-NCOV-ORF1AB / RDRP copy number for CGD2020041501


Fig 2. Batch for the 2019-NCOV-N copy number stability test for CGD2020041201

DDPCR technology is a technique of absolute quantitative copy number, which is more sensitive than Q-PCR to detect a lower virus copy, so it is recommended to use DDPCR to reconue when Q-PCR detection is unable to determine. At "Reading Original", we share the internal full set of DDPCR systems "Coronary Virus DDPCR System .xlsx", interested students can refer to it.

At the same time, we also launch a variety of PANEL products, the list is as follows:
